Hey Rachel - seriously, thanks for this awesome newsletter and impressed you got someone from the platform to chat with you. As someone who's constantly pulling her hair out over this platform and watching the trends, this just feels like well-rehearsed answers to tough questions. I firmly believe there are tons of people/brands making content that resonates with their audiences and are engaging with each and every comment/DM that are still noticing declines in their reach/engagement. Alas we will adapt, as we always do!

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Again, thank you so much! This has all been incredibly insightful. Like getting to look thru a portal into an unknown world. Will read everything you send my way :)

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Hi there! I'm loving the wisdom and content thank you! And Q....is this still relevant in 2024?

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This is a great interview. Explained a lot of things I was wondering about as it relates to engagement.

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